Music--its alluring nature..'s infinitely interesting, is it not? I find myself transported to an entirely new world filled with the qualities that are endearing to a music-bug like muah. Everyone loves music in varying forms and styles (to each her own, I always say), but the thing that's most amazing about music is the fact that you just can't your finger on it!!! I mean, try and get technical about it (and I rarely, if ever, do that) and you have to admit that these are basically styles of producing sounds of certain wavelengths that appeal to homo sapiens. There are maybe infinite number of species, known and undiscovered, that can totally reject this stuff we call "music"--it might be completely cacophonous from their perspective (if that word can even be equivalent to when you're trying to say "Look at it from their point of view" when you mean, "Hear it from their point of...sound??... listening??" See what I'm saying?
So, I was reading a blog written by one of my acquaintances from high school, and he talks about "sin-a-long-ability" and "singability". Granted, these are very critical variables in an equation that decides a person's bias for a song. However, sometimes, there are things that go beyond reason. Things that are so utterly undefinable that they inspire and provoke in us feelings that would be nonexistent if we were to have not experienced them or if we weren't exposed to such a circumstance. It is my humble belief that music and its varying qualities are far beyond sensual and the proper (or flowing, even though improper)'s truly transcendental..
Music is a religion all by itself.
In fact, I believe that it's one of those few that are true.